One wonders why i still have a passion for ships - although that has been a long passion of mine 57 years - i started at the age of six - but the strange thing was i was staying in a mining town 600 km from the closet port - my first cruise i was sea sick the whole time betsy ross x leda - my second cruise oceanos - which i later watched sink live on television - the next was the achille lauro x william ruys - which again i watch sink live - so as my late father would say - let me know which ships you have sailed on - in order for him to avoid like the plaque ! 😂 i had visited the qe2 once only to find out later - she broke down in the english channel later - and to cap it all my first introduction to ships was no less than the titanic ! the second image says it all - especially the crew staff with her hands on her hips in amusement ! 😀

Enjoyed your tale Bryan. Did you by any chance shoot an Albatross?