What year did you become a Purser Cadet and who were the other cadets in your intake. ?
Let us know and post any photos you may have or your group.
I joined in 1973.
Some of the group where
Steve Mann
David Stephenson
John Berry
Douglas Day ??
Gareth Hope
Bob McClellen
Paul Fletcher
David Stott
There were twelve altogether please help me out folks.

Gareth Hope

Steve Mann

David Stott
John. Is it the same Bob Maclelland that I joined P&O with, The last I saw Bob he was manager at "The Langdales" hotel and time share complex in the Lake District, near to my home in Ambleside. This must have been the late 1970's.
In my diary (am I sad to keep these?) I have Robert Maclelland joining 'Ocean Pearl' in Singapore 11th.January 1990 prior to us moving to Sembawang Dock Yard for a five day dry-dock. He had oversight for Hotel Services for Ocean Cruise Lines. A busy time. He joined with Ben de Haass the marine and operations manager. The following cruise was a Japanese charter in which the currency on board was the Yen which had to be brought on board. As their currency at that time was mainly coin this was both bulky and heavy. There were the crew changes involving pay-offs and new crew contracts to upload with some crew shortages to pursue. At the time all crew were paid in US dollars, so we had a large reserve on board. Gerry Herod, Ocean's owner decides to join the fun. My relief arrives prior to sailing Japanese charter. An audit team from H/O joins in Phuket who are totally confused with having to deal in Yen as part of their cash counts. I was glad to leave with Robert (Bob - I'm sure I called him Bob?) back in Singapore 20th. January. Only to get four days leave after four months before flying out to Montevideo to join 'Ocean Princess'. But that's another story.
from top left to right are Richard Brown, ??, Peter Mann, Simon West, Mike Milsom and then bottom row - Sean Faulkner, Yours truly, Malcolm Ives, Bob Weaver and ??
I was in the 1974 intake. Some of you may recognise my fellow cadets
David Stephenson DP Royal Princess 1985 dry dock
Taken on by P&O Cruises as Hotel Services Training Officer Feb. 1982, later elevated to Shipboard Training Manager in 1985 (mainly I think because the overtime I was accruing for ship visits - which manager categories did not get!) Obviously was involved with the Purser and his staff whenever on a ship visit. I was lucky to have visited all the ships during their cruises , including the Princess ships before fleet functions were disbanded when the company was seperated into geographical operating areas in 1986. P&O Australia, Princess Cruises and P&O UK. Also visited in all cruising areas. Pacific, Alaska, Mexico, Carribbean, Atlantic and Mediterranean. Remember Steve Mann well but which ship? Probably Catering DP on 'Sea Princess'. If Bob McLellan is the same Robert Mclelland....he was i/c Hotel Services for Ocean Cruise Lines while I was Purser with them 1989 - 1990. 'Ocean Pearl', Far East cruises, 'Ocean Princess, South American cruises & 'Ocean Islander', Caribbean/S. America cruises.