There was always great excitement on deck when two P&O ships pass by in open water.
Mediterranean cruising in 1974 Nevasa passes by Oriana.

The Nevasa was built as a troopship with financial support from the British Government, and operated by the British India Steam Navigation Company. Launched in 1955. According to Arnold Kludas’ Great Passenger Ships of the World, she had accommodation for 220 First Class passengers; 100 Second Class passengers, and 1,000 troops.
Her life as a troop ship came to an end and she was laid up in Falmouth from 1962 -1964 while British India Steam Navigation Co decided what to do with her, after all she was less than ten years old. Following a refit she became an educational cruise ship.
After conversion, she had 127 Cabins with 307 berths and 50 dormitories accommodating 1,090 students in two tier bunks. The ship was segregated, Cabin class passengers had entirely separate accommodation, with their own sun and recreation decks, swimming pool, public rooms, bars, and dining saloon. The dormitories were on the lower decks. For the students there were 17 classrooms, a 450-seat assembly hall with stage and cinema screen, a recreation room, cafeteria, reading room, games room and a photographic developing room as well as deck space for games and a swimming pool.
BI had been a separate subsidiary of P&O since 1914, but in 1971 Nevasa's management and operation were transferred to P&O's Passenger Division. In 1972 P&O absorbed BI and Nevasa's ownership, however she retained her BI livery of white hull with a black band and black funnel with two white bands.
I never had the pleasure of sailing in her, but my friends who sailed on her as school children and also as ships company all loved here and her sister ship Uganda.
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